هُوَ الاوّل و الآخر و الظاهر و الباطن

هُو الأوَّلُ وَالآخِرُ وَالظَّاهِرُ وَالباطِنُ وَهُوَ بِکُلِّ شَیءٍ عَلِیمٌ ﴿حدید,۳﴾

هُوَ الاوّل و الآخر و الظاهر و الباطن

هُو الأوَّلُ وَالآخِرُ وَالظَّاهِرُ وَالباطِنُ وَهُوَ بِکُلِّ شَیءٍ عَلِیمٌ ﴿حدید,۳﴾

امتحان مدیریت

پنجشنبه, ۶ شهریور ۱۳۹۹، ۰۸:۵۹ ق.ظ

الف :واژگان ذیل را تلفظ کنید ویک مترادف به زبان انگلیسی برایشان بیاوریدو سپس هریک از آنهارا دریک جمله انگلیسی بکارببرید:


Fertilize                                            shrink

Precipitate                                        proportion

Aggregate                                         rate

Flood                                                integrity

Unleash                                             seep

Harmless                                           submerge

Adapt                                                corrosion

Mental                                              convey                                   

Dispose                                             permeate

Emission                                           recede

ب- واژگان ذیل راتلفظ کنید و معادل فارسی آنها را بگویید:

React                                                 concession                         

Transparency                                     remain

Maintain                                             bolster

Customer                                            extricate

Disaster                                              menace

Disturbance                                       memorial

Pillar                                                  capitalize

Impair                                                proposal

Proactive                                           repression

Pummel                                             contradiction

Administration                                   dominate

Frustrate                                             offensive

diminish                                             particular


ب- جملات ذیل رابخوانید و ترجمه کنید:

1. collide v. To come together with great or violent force

As usual, their holiday was ruined when their in-laws’ views on politics

collided with their own.

2 . famine n. Severe hunger; a drastic food shortage

The potato famine in Ireland in the mid-nineteenth century caused

large numbers of Irish people to emigrate to America.

3. unleash v. To release a thing or an emotion

When they saw the strange man on their property, they unleashed

their dogs.

He is from such an unemotional family, he will never learn to unleash

his feelings.

4. A tsunami is a series of waves generated in a body of water by an

impulsive disturbance. Earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions,

explosions, and even the impact of meteorites can generate tsunamis.

Starting at sea, a tsunami slowly approaches land, growing in height and

losing energy through bottom friction and turbulence.

5. inherent adj. Naturally characteristic; always found within something,

because it’s a basic part of that thing

No job can be interesting all the time. Boredom is inherent in any

kind of work.

6. survive v. To continue living (despite some danger or illness)

After getting lost in the mountains, Gordon survived by eating wild

plants and catching fish.

7. Legs of humans can move only so fast under the best of circumstances, and they work even slower over mountain passes or deserts.


8. deplete v. To greatly decrease the supply of a resource or material

The prolonged war depleted the country’s national treasury.

9. emission n. Sending out from a small space into the general environment;

a substance discharged into the air

The Environmental Protection Agency regulates the emission of

pollutants into the air.

10. arbitrary adj. Chosen simply by whim or chance, not for any specific


The decision to build a school in Blackberry Township was

arbitrary, without any thought to future housing patterns.

11.infinitesimal adj. Immeasurably small

The number of contaminants in the water was infinitesimal, so the

water was safe to drink.

12. Time is, as we all know, money. Such valuation of time leads people to

extreme efforts to maximize their use of time. Some people obsess over

knowing the exact time.

13. feasibly adv. Practically; in a way that can work

Scientists can’t feasibly bring energy from deep ocean currents to

where it is needed—on land.

14. integrally adv. In a whole or complete manner

Writing and spelling are taught integrally as part of the reading


15. Petrifaction often occurs in trees that are found adjacent to rivers,

floodable areas, and volcanoes,which provide the mud or ash that initially

covers the organic matter.

16. detection n. Discovering something that cannot easily be found

With new medical technology, the detection of cancer is much easier


17. implement v. To make use of; to carry out

Not until after the new software was installed could we implement

the new filing system.

18. Many smaller companies, however, can’t fund their own full-time, in-house technical help. Instead, many of them assign the task of computer maintenance to a current employee who may not have any formal training.


19. component n. One part of a system or whole

Their home theater system has a number of separate components.

Usage tips Component is often followed or preceded by of.

20. solar adj. Of, or relating to, the sun

The ancient society kept time with a solar calendar.

21. The steam rotates a shaft that is connected to a generator that produces

electricity. Finally, that electricity is converted by a transformer and

conveyed from the turbine to its place of use.

22. gap n. Opening; a big difference in amount or quality

The small gap between the walls in the old house caused cold drafts

to come in.

23. intervene v. To come between

A good mediator intervenes only as much as necessary to settle a

dispute between other parties.

24. In its second stage, storage, memories can become further distorted.

Over time, our memories degrade, as we forget portions of events. To

compensate, we may even creatively fill in the gap created by the

recession of long-term memory.

25. animism n. The belief that natural objects, such as trees, have souls

Desert cultures that practice animism often believe that winds contain


26. ecclesiastical adj. Relating to a church

He was looking specifically for a university where he could study

ecclesiastical history.

27. During the communist years, many Russians who practiced

Orthodoxy sacrificed career and educational opportunities. The tenacity

of Russian Orthodoxy may explain why even nonreligious Russians are

inclined to call themselves Russian Orthodox.

جملات ذیل را ترجمه کنید:

28. You do not want customers and suppliers to learn about your crisis through the media. Information on any crisis pertaining to your organization should come from you first.

29. What is most important is that you create the crisis management plan when everything is running smoothly and everyone involved can think clearly.

30. Crises are not routine events (such as fires or traffic accidents). Crises are inconceivable events that often take politicians, citizens, and reporters by complete surprise.

31. Critical decisions must be made and implemented under considerable time pressure and in the absence of essential information about causes and consequences.

32. The combination of these factors explains why relatively small disturbances can rapidly develop into deep crises and why the effects of crisis management are inherently limited.


33. Once a crisis has escalated into view, authorities can only try to minimize its consequences.

The contested nature of a crisis further complicates the situation.

34. Veteran military officers, journalists, and fire and police commanders are known for this. Some organizations have developed a proactive culture of “looking for problems” in their environment.

35. Weather emergencies are generally opportunities for presidents to show their leadership skills and appear strong in front of the electorate.

36. The fall election strategy appears to hinge on this phenomenon. The parties are no longer content to fire up their bases with policy initiatives, grand ideas for issue-based change or even a call to party loyalty.

37. The Trump administration’s agreement with the Taliban represents a full retreat. It’s an agreement that most Republicans would deplore if a Democrat president made the deal, and they’d be right to be angry.

38. The combination of the planned American retreat and the planned prisoner release would represent a substantial change in the balance of forces in Afghanistan.

39. America is making these concrete concessions in exchange for unenforceable promises from an untrustworthy enemy.

40. It has removed the Taliban from power, and denied Al-Qaeda and other enemies the safe havens they need to reconstitute and re-emerge as a worldwide terrorist menace.

  • Malcolm X

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